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JR米沢線 赤岩駅:万年通過駅(現在は廃止) 大滝宿:廃宿場街 板谷:断崖上にある集落 JR米沢線 峠駅:「峠の力餅」でおなじみ、秘境駅 姥湯温泉:切り立った絶壁に囲まれた秘境温泉。道中には20‰越えの急坂だらけ

2023/01/01 10:14Posted
Let's share your recommendations and itineraries with Route Share.
As a social networking site, it can also be used as a private itinerary management tool.

You can get started right away for free with Google Account and an email address.
You can also import routes from your activities immediately after registration by linking Strava.