Updating your profile
When you register an account, a profile is created. Your profile will be publicly visible. You can change your profile on your profile page after logging in.
Profile field
- Name.
Please use a name that you are comfortable displaying on RouteShare, such as a nickname. - Profile
You can create a brief self-introduction. - Site/Blog URL
If you have your own blog or website, you can enter the URL. - Place of Residence
You can enter the area in which you are active. - Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Link
If you have a social networking account, you can enter your ID and other information to display in your profile.
Once you have entered the above items, click on the last update to save your information.
Profile Picture
Click on the photo to upload and update your profile picture.
When you select a profile picture, an icon will appear as shown below.
- A cross (*) cancels the profile image setting.
- The pencil mark allows you to crop and select the position of the image if it is not aligned properly.
- ** Click the rightmost icon to upload and update the image. **