From map

RouteShare allows you to search for route articles directly on a map. If you want to focus on a specific area, you can use this search from map.

The map can be moved freely, and route articles with a "main line" registered within the display area will be displayed. Click the line on the map or the card on the left to open the article. Also, hovering over a card will mark the corresponding line. Up to 50 articles will be displayed on the map.

Route List

In Search from map, by entering a landmark or place name in the "geographic search keyword", the map will move to the target location. For example, if you enter Ibaraki Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture will be displayed on the map. The order is the same as in the Route List.

If you want your post to appear on this search from map,

  • The line must be registered.
  • Register one main line to be displayed on the map.

These are the two conditions. Spots and shapes are currently not supported. Please check Create Route for more information.